Thursday, April 30, 2009

my take on Islam. .

Do you know who Muslims (Islamic) are? I bet u didn’t know that Judaism (Jewish) is a lot like Muslims, but for some reason they dislike each other? Does that seam weird to you, almost the same people dislike each other? Would you try to make them like each other, or would you stand out of their way?
Muslims believed that Mohamed was the last and greatest prophet of god. He was a messenger of god like they believed Jesus was also a messenger of god with the power of miracles. But Mohamed was the greatest. They believed that he died in Moscow and built a temple there. Every person had to go there only once and didn’t have to go again. But out of the like 1 billion Muslims only 2 million come and pray every year if they are healthy and economically okay.
Abraham the man that gave birth to two sons and one was related to Mohamed. One of Abraham’s wives walked around the hills in Moscow seven times in search of water, and so the Muslims walked around the hills seven times also. Muslim is the second largest religion after catholic. Islam is also like Christianity, but they believed that Jesus was a son of god and was born of the “Virgin Mary”. Muslims believed so many things of Catholics that they even believed Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus.
In Muslim they believe in five pillars, Shahabad, Salaam, Saccade, Carom, and Hajji. I realized that for every pillar they have to pray, which is five times a day, mostly in the morning, afternoon, and evening. With these pillars, they have to fast for a certain amount of time, and they can only eat during the dark before sunrise and sunset. Mohamed made these pillars and I use to think that their prophet was Mohamed A-Lee the boxer, don’t get that confused. Also never ever get Muslim confused with Judaism, they will get really mad.

1 comment:

  1. I think by Moscow you mean Mecca? and the boxer comment was too freaking funny!
