Monday, May 4, 2009

My Social Studies story (My s.s.s.)

Look at America and Canada today, now look at them in the 80's. very different now than 29 going on 30 years. they predicted that there would be about 6.3 billion people and in 2025 there will be 8.5 billion humans living. today there are about 7 billion humans, but that's not what I'm here to talk about.
The United States and Canada are multicultural in religions, culture, and languages. In America some of the religions are Protestant (52.7%), Roman Catholic (26.2%), Muslim (1.9%), Jewish (1.8%), Other Religions (9.3%), and Non religions (7.5%). In Canada they have the same but Roman Catholic is more practiced than Protestants. Some of Canada's languages are English, French, and Native. Canada and America were among the riches in the late 80's and early 90's. Now China has taken the economical trade routes and riches.
Do you think that a different country will take the position of economical capital or do you think China will keep its pride and be the economical capital of the world?


  1. Hey Liam. I've really been enjoying your blog. I'm glad to see you publishing your thoughts.

    A lot of people doubt this, but I personally think that you can't count out the American people. We've had some tough times recently, but I think we're going to get to a point where we start to get creative and innovative--possibly using all of that stimulus money allocated for research--and pull ourselves not only out of this recession, but back into the top players in the world market.

    All we need are a few really good ideas, even if they're taking something old and improving it. For example, people could improve efficiency in factories and offices, or find ways to get more product out of fewer natural resources. Or with the whole idea of "going green" and creating environment-friendly products, or improving recycling. Maybe the answer is in the dumpster. Americans generate more garbage than anyone. If we can find more, better ways to recycle or to use the mounds of garbage we have to our advantage, we might be onto something.

    What do YOU think, buddy? Do you think the U.S. is coming back? Do you think China's going to stay where it is? Or do you think another country will climb to the top?

  2. Hey THE JOHN I read your comment and I will tell what I think.

    That book of WORLD GEOGRAPHY was written in the 90’s and has facts from the 1992 and 1989. This is a book almost 15 years of age and I think that perhaps it another countries turn to have some pride, maybe like France, England, or Canada. But I do not think that America will be the top for at least 70 years of good presidents and having a better way economic system. Plus from 911 we are building another financial building in its place with a memorial for all the people. If the terrorist continue with their suicides of bombing we will have to continue building and using our money that we could using for better purposes. The only way for America to be a economical capital is also what you said” If we can find more, better ways to recycle or to use the mounds of garbage we have to our advantage.” If we did find away to some how turn our garbage into things we could use, we would be advancing in technology, and possibly military forces and kicking those terrorist out!
