Thursday, May 21, 2009

Killers at the borders

You may think that South America are very poor and all. Think again, they have crops we don’t have like coffee, silk, etc.

Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and El Salvador are they leading country in coffee. You think you are drinking from a different countries coffee and that it taste good well thank the coffee plantation company’s.

South America’s mountains have great fertilizer and are great for growing crops we can’t here and it’s humid, moist, and great for vacation. (till the drug lords and swine flu).

Mexico is very poor and over crowded, but it has the more advanced highways and streets than any other country in South America. You may think they can’t be better than ours but that is true and they are the more advanced country and people are trying to get in to Mexico and to America but can’t since if they are caught they get the death penalty.

Do you think killing people for crossing the border is right, we don’t do so why should they!!

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