Monday, May 11, 2009

World Geography

Today I red about pollution in my geography book and as I was reading I realized how much pollution there is to day and then. Well it seems not a lot of difference at all. Do you want to know why that is? Well here is the curve ball passing the plate!
To day people are horrified about pollution and that is because it is supposedly killing us? I was listening to a comedian talking about air pollution and he pretended to be talking to a vegetarian. He said this”you vegetarian are eating the solution! The plants and leafy greens are taking in the pollution and giving off oxygen that we need and I’m eating the problem! The cows are farting and giving off pollution, soooo hhhaa!” You know I use to feel dreadful for them till I ate them, now I don’t feel bad for them any more, except the can only look four directions (get it)! Well in my study acid rain is destroying the crops and soil, but want to know what else is destroying them to? Pesticides, they are going into the ground destroying the soil and poisoning the other bugs trying to help the soil! So now we all can say bye bye to corn, rice, milk, and other delicious leafy greens, but acid rain isn’t just the one big killer.
Smog living in L.A. is so hazardous that people with respiratory dieses are asked to stay home some times and people with out drive if needed! Smog burns eyes, esophagus’s, lungs, and leads to the respiratory dieses.

1 comment:

  1. you read not red darling. I know it looks like read but really it is read. Ask Papi!
    If you are going to be a doctor someday like you Mama you will have to start spelling dieases the right way Diseases!
