Sunday, July 19, 2009

Get Off The Couch!!!

Has it been almost a month since I’ve blogged one of my awesome readings and adventures?? Well here I am ready to tell you one fantastic reading of mine. Its awesomeness is so awesome it might blow your mind right out of your head like the demolition man did to rehab!

To day my parents made me read a book about diseases like lung cancer and hypothyroidism. I learned more but I’m going to stick with these two for now. What you are going to learn is freighting, devastating, and terrifying!!! (SCARY MUSIC!!!) DU DU DAAAAA!

The first dieses we are going to talk about is the cancer of the two. Take a guess which one it is. Lung cancer is actually the mostly common in people who use to smoke not the actual smoker then. But there are ways to avoid lung cancer if you use to smoke. Some of them are; (from my book) do understand the effect of smoking and its major role in lung cancer, don’t ignore signs of lung cancer such as persistent cough or bloody phlegm. Early diagnosis is important.

If you thing your tong is larger than normal then you should go and check if you have hypothyroidism, cause that is one of the signs. Some other signs are unhealthy appetite which I can’t live with, difficulty moving so don’t go paintballing, lose or gain of weight. And unable to sweat so it may be a lethal dieses to humans. So try to stay over weight if you are losing weight or stay underweight if gaining. Last but least stay active, like go play softball, soccer, basketball, you get the point.

One more thing, stay healthy and be active get off the couch!!! (From cartoonetwork 3 years ago!!)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

my last days of tortute

I just finished my last days of homeschooling and feel great! Some of my projects were go to math camp and stay there four hours Monday through Thursday. I had to this by listening, writing down good notes and keeping my eyes opened.So far it has been 4 to 5 weeks of weeks of taking in a weeks worth of math every day. Except for one day when our main director came in and taught us 5 sections , almost 2 weeks worth, in one hour. Even though he was going faster than light most of us got.

Right now we are on chapter 7 and about to take the test. The bad thing is that we just took the chapter 6 test yesterday and now a test tomorrow. Out of all this hard algebra 1-2 my father is helping me understand this and get the grades. Out of these 4 to 5 weeks i realized me and my father have been arguing more often than before, out of the arguments i have learned more and more about my mistakes.

The kids in my class are more like the kids in my old classes in Altadena, talkative and hipper. Almost all of them will not stop talking till they are threatened to have their breaks taken away or them call home and never come back. When you call home you basic wasted your parents time along with yours and the teachers. My friend and i thought once that another friend of ares got kicked out for messing around for little kids since our instructor came in and told us to stop messing around with the other kids, but he did not and and stayed in the pack with every other kid in our class.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Math Camp!!!

Over my summer training program my father put me in math camp at Desert Vista and I'm in the same math level as my sister, Algebra 1-2. It’s kind of lonely since there are only three 6th graders including me. And I do not really talk to them since I don’t really know them as well as the only 8th graders inn my class. But it is fun, exciting, and funny as well as educational for all the students.

In my class ever kid is there to learn so no one talks while the teacher is and pays attention. I got to say kids there are happy and actually want to be there. In my sisters class all the kids are serious since most of them are 5th and 6th graders. But as we go along some drop out from the level it’s getting to. It’s funny that all my closes friends are either in pre-algebra or 7th grade math. So even though it gets lonely at the end of the day and every one socializes when done I make knew friends and talk to them but about 5 of my sister’s friends are in my class and its funny to think I’m a 8th grader going into high school some of the time.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Crime and Speed


Have you been to Europe and saw the national wonders of the world, went on vacation, or went for your job? When you went you probably didn’t learn all the facts and languages of the country you went to.

If you go to Europe you could get across it less than it takes for the United States. The U.S.A is larger than Europe and has more places to raise crops and cattle and get minerals.

From my Brother-in-Law, and Sister (A.K.A sissy) went on a trip and said they would only go there again if they had a million dollars, had a lot of luck, and to go and see a wonder. Europe has a job almost no other country does. You may have heard it from one of my Blogs, Crime is a job in Europe and the streets are looking for a good laugh.

When my father went to Italia no one tried to mug him since the mugger’s only go for white speaking English people who they think are rich. My father (or fasha as golden member has it (Austin Power)) knew how to speak Spanish which Italians knew how to speak.

Science in the Body

Do you know why people can hear and not hear? Hairs in hairs in their ears sense the vibrations and translate it as fast as you can think in a instance. The less of these hairs you have the worse your hearing is. My old social studies teacher Mrs. Demos must have a lot of those hairs since she could hear from one part of the room all the way to the other six grade teachers room Ms. White. So don’t think that a old man with hair coming out of his ear is disgusting, think of it as a good educational thing to learn. (And people that can hear great don’t mean they have hair coming out of their ears.)

In the nervous system there are three types of nerves, Motor, Interneuron, and Sensory Neuron. With out one of these you wouldn’t even be able to move, all you would do is lie down and pass away. If you are a runner think again, the only runner in you is the nerves. The nerves can move 120 meters per second, so “Beat That, hot wheels!!”

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Civilization experience (the video game)

Do you know all about history, buildings, people and units of the United States? If you think you do then just read what I have to say.

Do you know what I forge does and how it helps? Well to start off it heats and melts iron, aluminum, and other metals. So this little factory melts metal so your job, technology, and vehicles can be built to keep you safe. In the old centuries it would take days to melt medal and then form it into the shape the wanted till the great building came to live.

Are you scared of another world war to happen, don’t feel lonely, a lot of us are since if it does come we might have to use another bomb from are discovery of the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan project was the study of uranium and chemical reaction in a destructive bomb called I.C.B.M. (International ballistic missile) which can range from 5.6 thousand miles. The Manhattan project was in the process of when world war two started and we bombed Japan.

China use to be the world leader till we came and with china stood the amazing palace, Forbidden Palace. The forbidden palace was the temple, house, kitchen, bathroom, court house, and any thing they used back then for the emperor Chin and other Chinese emperors. The forbidden palace had a move about it called golden flower where a emperor’s wife found out he was trying to kill her and he did and his son from the golden army.

Have you ever been on a coal powered train or boat before? Do you know where that coal is processed and turn into pure coal? A factory called coal plant does all these things. You probably thought it was from a rock that had a lot of coal and little gravel. That’s not true, it takes a lot of work and patience.

Have you ever been to a play before and saw a sad, mystery, drama, etc. do you know what that building is called? Yep, it’s called a theatre. Every person there almost knows the place inside out. People have to practice every day and some nights just to get the play ready two months ahead. After all that practicing they still practice and get there clothing ready for the play in two months.

Killers at the borders

You may think that South America are very poor and all. Think again, they have crops we don’t have like coffee, silk, etc.

Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and El Salvador are they leading country in coffee. You think you are drinking from a different countries coffee and that it taste good well thank the coffee plantation company’s.

South America’s mountains have great fertilizer and are great for growing crops we can’t here and it’s humid, moist, and great for vacation. (till the drug lords and swine flu).

Mexico is very poor and over crowded, but it has the more advanced highways and streets than any other country in South America. You may think they can’t be better than ours but that is true and they are the more advanced country and people are trying to get in to Mexico and to America but can’t since if they are caught they get the death penalty.

Do you think killing people for crossing the border is right, we don’t do so why should they!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Are you Sick?

Do you know any body with allergies, cancer, or diabetes? Bet you didn’t know that their parents have it. And their kids might get it in the future. People with any dieses give their kids high chances getting their dieses.

Allergies are a substance foreign to the body and cause you to sneeze, wheeze, and cough. People who are really lucky (unlike me) don’t have them. To my knowledge most people are have met are allergic to cats or an animals. And the one thing that makes you sneeze always dust and dust mites.

Cancer can attack you in some ways. One way is by a tumor growing from years and years from blood mutating. If you have a tumor then see if it is cancerous and if so see if it can be removed. Tumors are blood cells forming over years and then start to feed on your healthy tissue and killing you fro the in side out!!

Diabetes is diesis that doesn’t allow glucose to get to cells then become a waste product in the kidneys. Some symptoms are feeling weak, hungry all the time (like me), and lose of weight. Diabetics have to check their blood pressure all the time so they don’t have to suffer from not knowing their health and think they have a tape worm.

What would you do if you found out that you had one of these dieses and thought it was some thing else??

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Today I read about the population and languages of Latin America. And you won’t believe what I found out!

Most of Latin America speaks Spanish, English, and Portages. Ya you already knew that but do you know what other languages they speak, take a guess. They are Dutch, French, Creole, and Native American. Can you believe that?! Seven different languages for all states and in the United States of America only has one and Canada has four to five! The top three are Native languages, Portuguese, and English.

Latin America one of the over populated countries of all! Mexico has a terrible economy and is over populated men and women looking for jobs. Mexico has about 70 people every square mile and Brazil has about 45 people every square mile. Brazil though has way more land and has more people, but Mexico is smaller and has three times as less people but still imagine a country so small every where you go you will see people on the streets and trying to sell you something.
When I went to Mexico I saw at least 1000 people in the barely 3 miles I walked. In Europe its worse, crime is a jog and the people on job go for what they thing are rich white people from America. So if you don’t like immigrants coming over just thing of how better it is over here in nice warm sunny days in America than the homeless streets waiting for a laugh at a mugged person crying trying to tell the police what happen and them not doing anything.

Friday, May 15, 2009


How many people do you know that goes paintballing and comes back with a welt on their neck? Well if you are reading this I am one of those people.
Paintball is a fast paced, fun, and heart beating game that you wish would last longer and longer. When ever I paintball I bring one pair of shorts and sweats for the lasting experience. On the field it’s a whole other story. I get on and I give no mercy to any one.

One when I was paintballing we went to the Alamo field and it was teenagers V.S. adults. There were 10 of us and about 30 of them. Before the game even started a picture guy came over to my window and I freaked and bang! Bang! bang! I shot him three times, then he went off the field and then the terror started. After the whistle blew paintballs came in and none came out till the swarm of humans looking for blood went to the sides and started picking off two of us at a time. Finally I was the last person shooting behind, lift, right and forward. After the second whistle blew to let me know I could come out of the base. Then I was surrounded getting fired at by my parents and other people who knew me. Just by looking at them I could tell they weren’t going to let me get out of there alive. Finally I was shot in the ankle and people started storming the base and I got shot 10 more times. Nothing popped and I was still in, then five more paintballs got me and I was tasting paint and feeling the inflame skin break open and I was out like a deer in the woods.

Another one of my story’s were in the speed ball field and again it was teenagers V.S adults bit there were only three of them and 10 of us. It was capturing the flag and gets it to the other side. My father was the first to get out slipping to the flag. Then my friend’s father got the flag and I shot him right next to my bunker. The last and final guy are close friend got it and ran as fast as he could and got to the other side. I a little ashamed about this, and lit him up not caring, thinking, and not ashamed of that. Then he curses under his breath and lit me up getting me a cross me arms and chest. My father who heard of this saw me and pointed the gun at me and pulled the trigger in frustration that I would do that. But it didn’t work and I went out of the field with two welts on my chest.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Latinos and Trading?

Today instead of North America its Latin America including Central America. My father is from Latin America in panama and he teaches me all about that country, but I learned different things and not just about panama.
From Venezuela and Columbia all the way down to Argentina and Chile the second highest mountain range rest and grows higher and higher every day from shifting plates are the Andes Mountains! The Andes are closer than all to in China’s mountain. The Andes are part of two geographical feature, desert and plains higher than you can imagine. Not much to say about this huge land mass but that it was mostly found by Spain, France and Portugal. So you can imagine that their languages are mostly Spanish, French and portages. But do you know what they give us and we give them?
I’m only going to give you some of the things the import and export.
In Panama they give us bananas while we give them fuel for our cars. Didn’t think we made our own bananas did you?
Peru gives us copper while we give them machinery for cars, ships and mechanical things.
Jamaica gives us aluminum and we give them fuels also to operate machinery.
This trading we do is al one for one as a lot of things do like buying a book, you get the book as long as you give them money. Kids today (including me) do one for one. Sometimes at lunch in Altadena I trade Gatorade for cookies and we drink/eat them. Now our president Barock Obamma is opening the trade with Cuba and a lot of people are getting over whelmed about that. My father is also getting over whelmed to go and buy their “Great” items and use them one our food.

Monday, May 11, 2009

TO chulita03, Maria


Now that you answer that question answer this one. You think that women are the “MAN OF THE HOUSE?” why do you want to be called the man of the house. The person with that name should do all the work out side, cook, read the newspaper, and do all the sweaty work that you women don’t like. Why do you want to be the top dog dealing with stuff u don’t have that much experience in, and why should we think we are the man of the house. In my house my papi is the one getting cuts bumps bruises and paying our bills and home schooling me, ya my mother teaches me bout different science but my papi is the one dealing with the crap and bills.

Fighting Back!!!

In science I learned how the immune system fights off diseases and the types of whit blood cells. Phagocytes are one type that causes inflammation and takes out pathogens taking over. When they were describing this, they did it in video game style and most likely CALL OF DUTY. We have three types of barriers protecting us, skin, digestive, and saliva/mucus. In the skin the pathogens die from sweet or fall off, but in rare occasions they get in and run far away from the whit blood cells. The most commonly one I think is eating and drinking, since the can after all go as far as a small room. The mucus is actually snout. That’s why when you are in a dusty room you sneeze and snout comes out. This snout thing then leads me to a book I read called ELIJAH OF BUXTON. He has a “friend” that has a handkerchief and blows in to it. Elijah on the other hand thinks that’s disgusting and plugs up one nostril and puts force one it and out comes the pathogens and dust. I bet you don’t know how many colonies live on you, say about 3 million!, but don’t worry the cant get in you have layers of died skin protecting you!
What way do you think the pathogens get in the most, skin, digestive, or mucus and snout? I bet it will be hard for you since of all this information on these barriers.

World Geography

Today I red about pollution in my geography book and as I was reading I realized how much pollution there is to day and then. Well it seems not a lot of difference at all. Do you want to know why that is? Well here is the curve ball passing the plate!
To day people are horrified about pollution and that is because it is supposedly killing us? I was listening to a comedian talking about air pollution and he pretended to be talking to a vegetarian. He said this”you vegetarian are eating the solution! The plants and leafy greens are taking in the pollution and giving off oxygen that we need and I’m eating the problem! The cows are farting and giving off pollution, soooo hhhaa!” You know I use to feel dreadful for them till I ate them, now I don’t feel bad for them any more, except the can only look four directions (get it)! Well in my study acid rain is destroying the crops and soil, but want to know what else is destroying them to? Pesticides, they are going into the ground destroying the soil and poisoning the other bugs trying to help the soil! So now we all can say bye bye to corn, rice, milk, and other delicious leafy greens, but acid rain isn’t just the one big killer.
Smog living in L.A. is so hazardous that people with respiratory dieses are asked to stay home some times and people with out drive if needed! Smog burns eyes, esophagus’s, lungs, and leads to the respiratory dieses.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My Environment Experience

To start the day off I woke up at 4:30 am and took a cold shower. Then I read my latest book till my mother came out and woke up my papi (Father), so I played the piano till I had to go out and help with the Environment. That was my morning till 9:30.
I went out side and “trimmed” the plant in front of my parent’s windows. Then I went to cut a passage way behind my orange tree and then I had to cut them smaller to put in our new element. After about 30 minutes into cutting my father needed help so he could get his chainsaw out of the tree so I grabbed the ladder and held it. Then he said” O.k. this is what we are gunna do…” Crrrraacckk!!!!! The tree snapped and fell on my papi and hit him in his head while the chainsaw hit my knee and made me have a dead leg. He was all right but frustrated that my sister didn’t skip school to work but to play. So his head was already hurting from that. But he had a plan and jumped and ran from the tree faster that a cheetah going for food. Luckily it didn’t move a millimeter. So since we were able to use the chainsaw we cut the 300 to 400 pound trunk in unequal fifths. We started with the easiest and went up. The fifth was the hardest probably weighing 150 pounds. By this time our hands were bleeding red from the rope (We didn’t have gloves on. Could have had a V8. Or steroids). The 150 pound tree took us four tries to get it up and over our wall. We then cut, chain sawed, and bagged most of the stuff. Then we hade 5 large pieces of 12 ft solid wooded for winter. Then we cut more of our orange and lemon tree. I our lemon tree we had a nest with a bird looking at us for the 5 hours we worked for. Now I have four bruises and my father with a head ace and a bump on his head.
After I told you this story would you go and try to cut down a tree 10 times the size and weight of a 200 pounder?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One Kidney. . .

Do you know why we can live with only one kidney? Some people live with out a kidney, they live with one since they both do the same job and the blood travels through both, unless one is missing and the blood goes through just the one.
Kidneys, does any one know how they work besides doctors? Well here are the processes,
The blood goes to the kidney and into a capsule.
the capsule then takes all the waste, nutrients, and other materials out and separates, then puts the things the blood needs into it (like water, o2, and a little of protein).
Then the waste goes out of the capsule and into a tube. Now it’s called Urine.
The urine goes down the tube into the urinary bladder (bladder).
After the urinary bladder is full it goes to your nerves system and tells it needs to go and let the waste out, but it is actually not a bad thing at all, Gandhi drank his own pee and did not get sic from it.
The kidney and bladder is not the only thing that is a organ of the excretion system. The lungs, skin, and liver also do a major part of the system. The lungs give off co2 (carbon dioxide) and then takes in o2, (oxygen). The liver then breaks down proteins and giving them to the blood and taking the waste and not needed products to the kidney. The skin gives off perspiration and lets out harmful materials.

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Social Studies story (My s.s.s.)

Look at America and Canada today, now look at them in the 80's. very different now than 29 going on 30 years. they predicted that there would be about 6.3 billion people and in 2025 there will be 8.5 billion humans living. today there are about 7 billion humans, but that's not what I'm here to talk about.
The United States and Canada are multicultural in religions, culture, and languages. In America some of the religions are Protestant (52.7%), Roman Catholic (26.2%), Muslim (1.9%), Jewish (1.8%), Other Religions (9.3%), and Non religions (7.5%). In Canada they have the same but Roman Catholic is more practiced than Protestants. Some of Canada's languages are English, French, and Native. Canada and America were among the riches in the late 80's and early 90's. Now China has taken the economical trade routes and riches.
Do you think that a different country will take the position of economical capital or do you think China will keep its pride and be the economical capital of the world?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

my take on Islam. .

Do you know who Muslims (Islamic) are? I bet u didn’t know that Judaism (Jewish) is a lot like Muslims, but for some reason they dislike each other? Does that seam weird to you, almost the same people dislike each other? Would you try to make them like each other, or would you stand out of their way?
Muslims believed that Mohamed was the last and greatest prophet of god. He was a messenger of god like they believed Jesus was also a messenger of god with the power of miracles. But Mohamed was the greatest. They believed that he died in Moscow and built a temple there. Every person had to go there only once and didn’t have to go again. But out of the like 1 billion Muslims only 2 million come and pray every year if they are healthy and economically okay.
Abraham the man that gave birth to two sons and one was related to Mohamed. One of Abraham’s wives walked around the hills in Moscow seven times in search of water, and so the Muslims walked around the hills seven times also. Muslim is the second largest religion after catholic. Islam is also like Christianity, but they believed that Jesus was a son of god and was born of the “Virgin Mary”. Muslims believed so many things of Catholics that they even believed Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus.
In Muslim they believe in five pillars, Shahabad, Salaam, Saccade, Carom, and Hajji. I realized that for every pillar they have to pray, which is five times a day, mostly in the morning, afternoon, and evening. With these pillars, they have to fast for a certain amount of time, and they can only eat during the dark before sunrise and sunset. Mohamed made these pillars and I use to think that their prophet was Mohamed A-Lee the boxer, don’t get that confused. Also never ever get Muslim confused with Judaism, they will get really mad.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The book I just finished

Today i finished my book titled "ELIJAH of BUXTON". Elijah is a young boy ,in the 1890s of the age 11 living in Canada settlement called buxton. At that age of 11 he goes off and hunts for a man to get his money back to free his family from slavery. but he finds himself in a terrible situation facing snakes, death, huge dogs, and watery chunks.
Elijah and his mother love to play tricks on one another, that, Elijah and his friend Cooter Bixby knew that his mother was scared of toady frogs since they had a virus that created warts, so they put a huge frog in her sowing basket and watched from a near by ditch. They waited and waited then she looked in side her basket and the frog was looking up at her and "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as loud as she could. She went yelling in her own house. his father came up to him and told them it was funny but wrong. A couple of weeks later his mother was holding a cookie jar that he smelled five miles away. He ran up to his mom and asked,
"May i please have one tis have a cookies mamma?"
"Why yes, but go and wash up your dirty old hands them come back."
He went and washed up and ran back. He put his hand in and felt for his favorite cookie. At last he got it!. He pulled it out looked at a small two eyed arrow shaped animal and started screaming and bolting away. He got as far as he needed only to find he didn't let go of the snake and ran back home. His parents were laughing their guts out like no tomorrow.
"Why did you scare me to death. Ya toady frogs may give warts but snakes are dangores!"
"Cause it was funny the same way you did to me! Hahahah!!"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today i ran to my aunts Sonia's house to go and learn about confucianism and the man that lived and breath his own religion. Confucia was a boy when his father died and civil wars were coming and new rulers were ruling. He was a poor boy and only young when he decided to work for the government as a tax collector. Soon he realized the government was selfish and only want them at the top and every one else down to the bottom of a poor pit. He left his job and and started going around preaching and telling people the way the government should work and help every one (this religion is more like a philosophy than a religion). Confucia went around preaching a very good preach and very successful. Confusia also made our lives different, if he didn't make one rule that read "The father of the house was the ruler, and if the father died then the oldest son was the man of the house even if the sister was older." that's why men are the boss of every one in the house. Know that men and women live till theirs 90's, the man is the man of the house only the men are happy.
Do you think that the men should be the man of the house or do you disagree with Confusia?